Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ItemNumber |
Item # that was passed into request |
string |
None. |
Cost | decimal number |
None. |
UnitPrice |
Customer SPA adjusted price per unit |
decimal number |
None. |
UnitPriceCurrencyCode |
Currency code for Unit Price. USD – US Dollars, CAD- Canadian Dollars, EUR- Euro, GBP- British Pound |
string |
None. |
ExtendedTotal |
Customer SPA adjust price for given quantity |
decimal number |
None. |
ExtendedTotalCurrency |
Currency code for Extended Total. USD – US Dollars, CAD- Canadian Dollars, EUR- Euro, GBP- British Pound |
string |
None. |
Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price |
decimal number |
None. |
MSRPCurrencyCode |
Currency code for MSRP. USD – US Dollars, CAD- Canadian Dollars, EUR- Euro, GBP- British Pound |
string |
None. |
DealerAuthorized |
Flag indicating if you are authorized to purchase product |
boolean |
None. |
Flag indicating there is a SPA applied |
boolean |
None. |
SPADescription |
Description of SPA when there is SPA applied |
string |
None. |
SPARestriction |
Flag indicating there is a SPA restriction such as expiration date or min/max quantities |
boolean |
None. |
SPARestrictionDescription |
When SPARestriction is set, this is the verbal description |
string |
None. |
QuantityAvailable |
Available to promise quantity |
integer |
None. |
TotalInventory |
Unrestricted Quantity |
integer |
None. |
QuantityOnOrder |
If product is on order with the vendor this will indicate the quantity |
integer |
None. |
PricingError |
Flag indicating there was a problem with the pricing call |
boolean |
None. |
PricingErrorDesc |
If there was an error with the pricing call this will include a verbal description. Such as item # not found. |
string |
None. |
InventoryDisplay |
Verbal description of available inventory. Contains actual inventory # if it stock, otherwise “Call for ETA” or “On Order”. |
string |
None. |
DealInfos |
Deal SPA information |
Collection of DealResponse |
None. |